Short Description
The mission of PSL is to provide staff and students of the Department of Psychology with state-of-the-art methods to study behavior and experience at many levels. The rich research infrastructure is divided into 5 method units that allow different empirical approaches.
- Psychoeconomic Research Lab (Supervision: Prof. Eva Traut-Mattausch): Methods for experimental laboratory research and field research to investigate scientific questions related to the working environment. Research infrastructure includes, among others: 32-channel-EEG, peripheral physiology, video observation, video analysis.
- Clinical Stress and Emotion Lab (Supervision: Prof. Frank Wilhelm): Methods for investigating clinical psychological research questions with a focus on measuring clinical symptoms, emotion, and stress in healthy and patient populations. Research infrastructure includes, among others: LimeSurvey-based clinical questionnaires, broad array of peripheral physiological methods for assessment of autonomic and respiratory functions, eye-blink startle-response, 64-channel-EEG, biofeedback, polysomnography, ambulatory psychophysiological assessment, ecological momentary assessment, actigraphy; stress and emotion induction methods, electrical and pain stimulation, virtual reality, body-sway and freezing measurement platform, olfactometer; self-developed ANSLAB psychophysiology analysis software.
- Social Cognition Lab (Supervision: Prof. Eva Jonas): Methods for investigating social psychological research questions. Research infrastructure includes, among others: Eye-tracking, peripheral physiological methods, 64-channel-EEG.
- Diagnostic Lab (supervised by Prof. Tuulia Ortner): Methods for investigating psychological-diagnostic issues. Research infrastructure includes, among others: Computer test laboratory for standardized diagnostic procedures, motor performance studies, mobile test laboratory.
- Experimental Behavioral Science Lab (Supervision: Assoc.-Prof. Jochim Hansen and Dr. J. Lukas Thürmer): Methods for experimental behavioral science that enable the study of complex behaviors in individuals and groups. Research infrastructure includes, among others: equipment for mass testing with up to 16 individuals, group testing, and virtual reality studies; equipment for analysis of verbal and non-verbal behavior.
Prof. Frank Wilhelm is responsible for management and overall coordination of the units within PSL.
Contact Person
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Wilhelm
Research Services
- Development and evaluation of psychological tests and questionnaires
- Development of innovative data collection methods
- Evaluating the influence of methodological and/or situational influences on psychological testing
- Multimethod investigation of (cognitive) performance and personality characteristics
- Psychometric analyses
- Creation and implementation of tests and surveys on the Internet and in the field (mobile test lab)
- Proficiency assessment according to DIN 33430
- Work and health: the role of demands and resources for motivation and stress
- Implementation of employee surveys
- Effectiveness of counselling, especially coaching, supervision, and mediation
- Evidence-based evaluation of measures and products with a scientific and holistic perspective (mind-body interaction)
- Peace psychology: analysis of the determinants of conflict emergence and escalation
- Surveys on political and social challenges and exploration of psychological and physiological factors
- Environmental psychology: how to promote sustainable attitudes and lifestyles
- Media psychology: media effects on political behavior; emotion, motivation, and cognition in media reception
- Multimethod assessment of patients with mental disorders
- Elicitation of stress and emotion
- Fear conditioning
- Measurement and analysis of behavioral, cognitive, autonomic, endocrine, and electrocortical indicators of stress and emotion
- Analysis of psychophysiological data
- Applied psychophysiology
- Biofeedback
- Neuromarketing
- Human-computer interaction
- Driver monitoring
- Ambulatory psychophysiological assessment
- Ecological momentary assessment
- Ecological momentary intervention
- Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy intervention
- Virtual reality exposure treatment
- Effects of pharmacological substances on cognition and affect
- Effects of pharmacological substances during psychotherapy
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The PSL bundles the methods and expertise to investigate human behavior and experience on different levels (from questionnaires to brain wave measurements) in the lab as well as in different daily life settings. This includes, among others, clinical manifestations of behavior and experience. In addition to the rich research infrastructure, the PSL experts share their competencies and tools with interested parties. This includes:
- Expertise in conducting psychological experiments
- Expertise in analyzing and interpreting behavioral data (e.g., experimental, questionnaires)
- Expertise in diagnostic procedures using computerized questionnaires and testing
- Expertise in statistical modeling (R, SPSS, etc.)
- Expertise in EEG, including: evoked potentials, spectral analysis
- Expertise in the evaluation and interpretation of peripheral physiological parameters
School of Education, PLUS
Department of Human-Computer Interaction, PLUS
Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg
Arbeiterkammer Salzburg
University of Stanford, USA
University of California, Berkeley, USA
University of Arizona, USA
University of Waterloo, Canada
University of New South Wales, Australia
University College London, UK
Cardiff University, UK
University of Koblenz/Landau, Germany
University of Bochum, Germany
Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Germany
Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany
University of Leipzig, Germany
University of Osnabrück, Germany
Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
University of Bielefeld, Germany
2022 - 2025
Blechert, J., Ring-Dimitriou, S., Traut-Mattausch E.
Doctorate School PLUS, internes Projekt
Bewältigung von Anforderungen in Spannungsfeld vorhandener Ressourcen: Motivation & Stresserleben
seit 2016
Traut-Mattausch E., Speitel C., Vikoler, T., Kovacs, D.
internes Projekt
On track!: On track! Aktiv studieren durch Verknüpfung sozialer und digitaler Welten.
1.07.2020 - 31.12.24
Jonas, E., Schmalenbach, K., Wöhle, C., Gniewosz, B., Tulis-Oswald, M. & Thürmer, L.
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung
Erstellung eines Online Self Assessments und eines Zulanngstests für das Lehramtsstudium
Tuulia M. Ortner, Thomas Scherndl, Julia Leiner, Gabriela Gniewosz
Verbund Cluster Mitte
Imaging the Mind: Cognitive Connectedness
2019-03 - 2023-03
Austrian Science Fund GRANT_NUMBER: W 1233-G17
Zanchetta, M., Junker, S., Wolf, A.-M., & Traut-Mattausch, E.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Functions of the right DLPFC and right TPJ in proposers and responders in the ultimatum game
Speitel, C., Traut-Mattausch, E., & Jonas, E.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(3), 263-270
The impact of cognitive-behavioural stress management coaching on changes in cognitive appraisal and the stress response: a field experiment
Junker, S., Pömmer, M., & Traut-Mattausch, E.
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 11(405), 1-15.
Chancen und Risken mobiler Arbeit aus psychologischer Sicht
Traut-Mattausch, E.
In A. Reichel, W. J. Pfeil, & S. Urnik (Hrsg.), Die Arbeit ist immer und überall: Folgen mobilen Arbeitens - nicht nur, aber gerade auch in Zeiten von Corona (S. 35-46). Wien: Manz
Behavioral consequences of intergroup sensitivity
Thürmer, J. L., & Mccrea, S. M.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(1), [e12716]
Reaction to Poor Performers in Task Groups: A Model of Pro-Group Intent.
Thürmer, J. L., & Kunze, F.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(1), 123–144.
Existential threat and responses to emotional displays of ingroup and outgroup members.
Wessler, J., van der Schalk, J., Hansen, J., Klackl, J., Jonas, E., Fons, M., ... & Fischer, A.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
Delta-beta cross-frequency coupling as an index of stress regulation during social-evaluative threat.
Poppelaars, E. S., Klackl, J., Pletzer, B., & Jonas, E.
Biological Psychology, 160, 108043.
Erstellung eines Online Self Assessments und eines Zulanngstests für das Lehramtsstudium
Tuulia M. Ortner, Thomas Scherndl, Julia Leiner, Gabriela Gniewosz
Verbund Cluster Mitte
Intrusive memories as conditioned responses to trauma cues: an empirically supported concept?
Franke, L.K., Rattel, J.A., Miedl, S.F., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2021).
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 143:103848
doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2021.103848
Peritraumatic dissociation revisited: associations with autonomic activation, facial movements, staring, and intrusion formation.
Danböck, S. K., Rattel, J., Franke, L. K., Liedlgruber, M., Miedl, S. F., & Wilhelm, F.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), 1991609.