AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
tribometer with linear oscillating or rotating movement and rotatable test chamber for the examination of friction and wear characteristics; Characterisation of solid, boundary and mixed friction states in point, line and surface contact between two components; specification oscillation: frequency 0.01 to 511 Hz, stroke 0.1 to 4 mm, normal load 10 to 2000 N, temperature RT to 290 °C
Contact Person
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) MSc Thomas Lebersorger
Research Services
realisation of tribological R&D services for the description of materials and component interactions in the framework of customer orders or long-term cooperation in (inter-)national research projects
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
standard method for determining the coefficient of friction and wear of two material surfaces moving against each another; standard method for the characterisation of lubricants; Standards: DIN 51834-1 to 8; DIN 62136-1, DIN ISO 7148, ASTM D5706, ASTM D5707, ASTM D6425, ASTM D7217-05, ASTM D7421, etc.