Short Description
Characterization of the thermal decomposition behavior of single particles (pellets, chips)
Operating conditions / area of application
- Temperature range: 200 - 1,050 ° C
- Variable atmospheres (100% N2 to air)
Continuous measurement data acquisition from
- Temperatures at the surface and in the center of the examined sample
- Mass loss of the sample over the entire thermochemical conversion step
- Composition of product gases using FT-IR, ND-IR, FID, CLD and thermal conductivity analyzers
- Levels of released aerosol formers using ICP-MS
Discontinuous sampling for the determination of tar
Contact Person
Peter Sommersacher
Research Services
Basic research of the thermochemical conversion (pyrolysis, gasification, combustion) of biomass particles.
Continuous determination of the concentrations of O2, CO, CO2, H2O, H2, OGC, NO, NO2, HCN, NH3, HCl, SO2 and various hydrocarbon compounds during the thermal conversion steps.
Determination of the release of inorganic aerosol forming elements (e.g., S, Cl, K, Na, Zn and Pb) by coupling the reactor with an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The reactor concept was designed for the description of thermal conversion processes (gasification, combustion, pyrolysis) of single biomass particles. With the reactor, targeted investigations under the desired atmosphere (usually mixtures of N2 and air or N2) up to a temperature of 1050 °C are possible. A very wide range of analysis devices can be connected to the reactor, whereby release data from inorganic aerosol-forming elements (eg S, Cl, K, Na, Zn and Pb) are generated by a connection to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).
So far the reactor has been used for the determination of the time-resolved release of relevant aerosol forming elements from different biomass pellets at 3 different temperatures. These data lead to an improved understanding of the release of inorganic ash forming elements and is the basis for model development. Moreover, the reactor has proven its applicability to describe pyrolysis processes of single particles.
COMET-Project New biomass fuels II
Sommersacher P., Kienzl N., Brunner T., Obernberger I. Simultaneous online determination of S, Cl, K, Na, Zn and Pb release from a single particle during biomass combustion Part 2: Results from test runs with spruce and straw pellets. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30 (4), pp 3428–3440
Anca-Couce A., Sommersacher P., Scharler R., Hochenauer C. Detailed Reaction Schemes and Product Characterization Applied to Pyrolysis of a Single Spruce Particle. In proceedings of the 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, June 2016, Amsterdam
Sommersacher P., Kienzl N., Hochenauer C. Online determination of the release of S, Cl, K, Na, Zn and Pb during combustion of a single Miscanthus pellet. In proceedings of the 26th Confernence: impacts of fuel quality on power production, September 2016, Prague