Short Description
The Agilent 7890 GC system in combination with an Agilent 7697A Static Headspace Sampler is used in particular for the detection of volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Unknown substances can be identified directly from the product (solid, liquid, complex matrix) using various ionisation techniques (EI and CI) and quantified in the trace range using MS or FID coupling.
Contact Person
Miriam Ressler
Research Services
Core areas are the development of analytical methods for in-process optimization during product development, the quantification of volatile and semi-volatile target compounds (e.g. active pharmaceutical ingredients) and their degradation products, suitability testing of packaging materials and polymer-based raw materials, extractables/leachables screenings in the pharmaceutical sector, residual solvent measurements and the analysis of product-specific flavors and off-flavors.
The use of different detection methods allows the evaluation of quantitative analysis results, especially for untargeted screenings and the associated multivariate data analysis.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Based on our extensive experience in handling VOCs in various matrices, we perform qualitative and quantitative analyses taking into account specific process simulations.
Product-specific screening is performed and target analyses are quantified according to international guidelines, such as residual solvents or VOCs.
After appropriate sample preparation and extraction, biological markers such as short- and long-chain fatty acids, hormones, mono- and disaccharides, bioactive natural compounds and their metabolites can be quantified using isotope-labelled standards by GC-MS analysis.
Allocation to research infrastructure
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