Short Description
As the largest academic library in the state of Salzburg, the University Library of Salzburg is a professional partner for study, research and teaching. It offers over 2.5 million print media and more than 1,300 reading and workstations with state-of-the-art equipment and the best conditions of use for all learning and working needs at 12 library locations. Independent of opening hours and premises, around 3 million e-books, several thousand e-journals and over 200 literature and research databases can also be used. The interaction of printed and digital media in the sense of a hybrid library is being continuously developed, as are the services offered.
The University Library fulfils a variety of tasks: It ensures the supply of literature in the university environment as well as to the general public; it acts as a mediator of knowledge, education and information; with the collection of the Salisburgensien, the literature published in and connected to the province of Salzburg, it makes an important contribution to the documentation of the province's history; it is dedicated to the collection and (preservation) of selected historical testimonies; it deals critically with its own history in the course of Nazi provenance research; and it supports publications of scientific works in the sense of Open Access with professional expertise.
Contact Person
Mario Eder, BA BA MA
Research Services
Scientists, students, pupils and other interested parties can find support in all questions of literature and information procurement at the University Library of Salzburg. Teaching information literacy through training courses, guided tours and workshops is just as much a part of the services offered by the University Library of Salzburg as the diverse knowledge transfer through readings, book presentations, exhibitions and presentations of historical holdings from the special collections and the university archive. Furthermore, members of the University of Salzburg are advised on the open access publication of their scientific work on the publication server ePLUS.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
With its services, the University Library of Salzburg primarily serves research and teaching in the university sector, but also as a competence center for education and knowledge for all interested parties and as a repository for unique historical and artistic testimonies.
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Zeitschriftenportal ANNO)
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol (E-book on demand/EoD)
Beatrix Koll, Christoph Brandhuber, Diana McCoy. Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2010
ISBN 9783990140178
Aus Salzburgs Hoher Schule geplaudert : Hundert Mini-Traktate unter einen Hut gebracht .
Christoph Brandhuber. Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber. Fotos von Hubert Auer
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2012
ISBN 9783990140680
Buchraub in Salzburg : Bibliotheks- und NS- Provenienzforschung an der Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg
Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber, Helga Embacher, Andreas Schmoller, Irmgard Lahner
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2012
ISBN 9783990140611
GYMNASIUM MORTIS : Das Sacellum der Universität Salzburg und seine Sitzgruft
Christoph Brandhuber. Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber. Fotos von Hubert Auer
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2014
ISBN 9783990140901
Kräuterkunst & Knochensäge - Medizin am Hof der Salzburger Barockfürsten
Christoph Brandhuber, Edith Tutsch-Bauer. Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber. Fotos von Hubert Auer
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2015
ISBN 9783990141205
Farbenpracht auf Pergament : Gotische Handschriften für die Salzburger Erzbischöfe an der Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg (Ausstellungskatalog)
Beatrix Koll. Hrsg. von Jeffrey F. Hamburger und Christoph Mackert
Luzern: Quaternio-Verlag, 2015
ISBN 9783905924404
In Stein gemeißelt : Salzburger Barockinschriften erzählen
Christoph Brandhuber, Maximilian Fussl. Mit kunsthistorischen Beschreibungen von Roswitha Juffinger und Fotografien von Hubert Auer. Lektorat: Irmgard Lahner. Hrsg. von Ursula Schachl-Raber
Salzburg: Müry Salzmann, 2017
ISBN 9783990141595