Short Description
The TU Graz Repository is based on InvenioRDM and offers a secure digital open source software solution for the publication and archiving of research data, publications and educational resources (Open Educational Resources, OER). In addition to secure data storage to prevent data loss, the TU Graz Repository offers many other advantages for users: the assignment of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) increases citability, the updating of data sets is supported by a versioning system, access rights to the data can be individually adapted and managed (open, restricted, closed) and, in addition, metadata can be stored, which makes an important contribution to the findability and reuse of the data. Furthermore, it is possible to regulate the subsequent use of the data by granting licenses. The infrastructure is maintained by the TU Graz Library and is continuously developed in cooperation with CERN.
Contact Person
Christoph Ladurner & Mojib Wali (technisch), RDM-Team (organisatorisch & Support)
Research Services
Repository TU Graz can be accessed and used for creating new entries via a TU Graz account. One can apply for an account needed for access to IT services at TU Graz. The registration can be based on a cooperation with TU Graz or other to be specified purposes outside of a project. The repositoy can be used to search for literature or material by everyone.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The underlying software solution - InvenioRDM is developed as part of a large, multi-organization collaboration in partnership with CERN, with TU Graz in the core-team. InvenioRDM is a turn-key RDM repository platform based on Invenio Framework and Zenodo. It provides a wide range of features that ensure good research data practice and the implementation of the FAIR principles.
The TU Graz Repository is operated by the TU Graz Library, specifically by the RDM Team. Users are provided with a detailed documentation on the deployment of the software solution, a handbook, terms of use and data protection policy. The RDM Team provides support to all researchers at TU Graz, in terms of data stewardship, for organizing research data adequately, storing and documenting data appropriately with metadata, using innovative tools for cooperative work and documentation, providing easy access to research data, how to publish research data, compliance to funder mandates, including data management plans.
Open Education Austria, a project of Austrian universities for the joint development of a national infrastructure for Open Educational Resources (OER) (project duration 01.03.2020-28.02.2024)
InvenioRDM, The turn-key research data management repository