Short Description
The instrument works in vertical Theta/Theta geometry, both in reflection and transmission mode, respectively. It is equipped with various optical devices and detectors to provide an optimized beam for the different applications:
- Channel-Cut monochromator, parallel beam mirror, focussing optical devices
- point detector (szintillation)
- Line detector (2.7° range 2 Theta)- PixCel (Malvern PANalytical)
- 2D- Detector (7.8° range in 2 Theta), high efficiency for E > 17 keV (GaliPix, Malvern PANalytical)
- sample tables (xyz- translation, Eulerian cradle)
- automatic sample changer unit (up to 45 samples)
- collimators to reduce the beam size down to 100 micro
Sample environment:
- Ultra high pressure chamber (up to 100 bar gas pressure, 900 °C)
Contact Person
Hradil Klaudia
Research Services
The X-ray center of the TU Wien (XRC) offers services for X-ray diffraction measurements, phase analysis and stress/texture analysis of crystalline materials, mainly for institutes and employees of the TU Wien, respectively. Instituts outside the TU Wien can place an order for analysis within research cooperations. On a limited amount also orders from a third part can be accepted. Quotation for a Measurement:
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Application areas:
- Analysis of crystallographic phases of crystalline solid state materials (qualitative/quantitative)
- Lattice parameter determination
- Analysis of strain/stress and texture within polycrystalline materials
- Thin film analysis: Gracing incidence geometry, reflectivity measurements (to combine with XRF analysis)
- Measurement of heritage science samples (e.g., phase analysis of pigments or corrosion products)
- Pair distribution function analysis of crystalline and partly crystalline samples
- University of Vienna: Institute of crystallography and mineralogy
- University of Applied Arts: restoration department
- Academy of Fine Arts: department of natural science
- Art-history Museum Vienna: coin cabinet, department of natural science
- National libary: restoration department
- Various museums in Austria
- MLZ: Research Reactor Munich (FRM II)
- Helmholtz Research Center Jülich
- University of Linz
- various cooperations with industry (order measurements, common master or doctoral studies)