3. Zoology Collection Crustacea
Natural History Museum Vienna
The collection Crustacea (crustacean) of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHMW) houses ~ 30,000 inventoried...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The collection Crustacea (crustacean) of the Natural History Museum Vienna (NHMW) houses ~ 30,000 inventoried...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility Molecular Biodiversity Lab processes RNA, DNA and hormone samples using molecular biological...
University of Salzburg
Leopold Kohr (1909-1994) was a philosopher, political scientist, lawyer and economist born in Oberndorf near...
University of Salzburg
The Middle High German Conceptual Database (MHDBDB) is a freely accessible, complex search engine for...
University of Salzburg
The server infrastructure includes a network of 18 powerful server systems of the company Supermicro...
University of Salzburg
ROCK IMAGER is designed for protein crystallization screening. It captures superior quality images of your...
University of Salzburg
The Xeuss 3.0 HR small and wide angle X-ray scattering system from Xenocs (Grenoble, France)...
University of Salzburg
Since this is a very wide range of applications, the individual devices are combined into...
University of Salzburg
This devices includes an in-situ holder for a JEOL JEM-F200 transmission electron microscope (TEM) (cold-FEG,...
University of Salzburg
The x-ray diffractometer consists of an x-ray generator, x-ray optics (mirror system), a Cryo system...