Short Description
The device allows measurement and manipulation of hand movements with temporal precision in the millisecond range. The hands grasp handles, and the freedom of movement can be restricted or manipulated. The device measures the forces that subjects apply against these movement restrictions, allowing conclusions about automatic, cognitively induced movement corrections and adaptation. Via a mirror construction, screen contents are projected onto the movement plane of the hands for the test subject, so that naturally planned hand movements are possible. The device can be used from an age of about 5 years. Combination with other neuroscientific methods such as TMS and EEG is possible.
Contact Person
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Heed
Research Services
Running projects in the areas of sensorimotor adaptation, hand tracking, sensorimotor decisions, visual attention, etc.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Main scientific applications are in the following areas:
(1) Using of motor adjustments as a measure of cognitive processes
(2) Studying bidirectional influences between sensory and motor systems
(3) Exploring learning and avoidance behaviors in pain
Methodological expertise is available in all applications of the device: motion tracking, motion perturbation, motion restriction, motion manipulation (e.g., force fields, visual rotation)
Allocation to research infrastructure
Univ. Prof. Peter Wühr, Institute for Psyochology, Technical University Dortmund
Christian Seegelke, Tobias Heed
Deutscher Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Schonard C, Heed T, Segelke C
Protracted development of visuo-proprioceptive integration for uni-and bimanual motor coordination
Martel M, Ossandón JP, Habets B, Heed T
Exploring the response code in a compatibility effect between physical size and left/right responses: The hand is more important than location
Seegelke C, Richter M, Heed T, Wühr P