Vaksis - physical vapor deposition unit for thin film deposition
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
System for the deposition of organic semiconductor layers and nanostructures
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
System for the deposition of organic semiconductor layers and nanostructures
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
LKR offers a semi-industrial and experimental vacuum die casting plant for aluminium and magnesium as...
TU Wien
Hardware/Software-Testbed for 4G/5G and IEEE 802.11p for benchmarking dependable connectivity among road users and with...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
Marangoni effect measuring device (custom-made) - Velocity of liquid transition in relation with temperatur gradient...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
Digital Microscope: - Optical microscopy of technical surfaces Specifications: - Magnification 5 - 5000x -...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
Tribometer: - Coefficient of friction (dynamic, static) - Wear (in-situ) - Contact resistance (lubricant film...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
Laser Scanning Microscope - Combined laser light and white light microscopy - Violet semiconductor laser...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
Contact Angle Measuring Instrument: - Contact angle (solid-liquid): adhesion, wetting - Surface energy (solid) -...
University of Vienna
Using UV light nearly doubles the achievable resolution of the microscope. The UV sensitive camera...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Twin-jet UV-VIS unit, range of wave length 190-1100 nm, spectral frequency range 1 nm; UV/Vis...