Fuchsenbigl (AGES)
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Fuchsenbigl Field Station is an agricultural research site of the Austrian Agency for Health...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Fuchsenbigl Field Station is an agricultural research site of the Austrian Agency for Health...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Rock Imager 1000® is a fully automated imaging system designed for protein crystallization screening....
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility "Functional Materials" covers the area of synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, particle...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The site is situated in the East Styrian lowlands and hills, the woodland community being...
FWF - Austrian Science Fund
The FWF e-Book Library is an open-access repository for FWF-funded stand-alone publications, and it has...
University of Vienna
The Gam2000 is a quadrupole mass spectrometer and enables isotope-resolved, continuous, on-line measurement of gas...
Treibacher Industrie AG
The Automated Gamma Spectrometer from Baltic Scientific Instruments is intended for the detection and analysis...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
laboratory device consisting of gas chromatography apparatus coupled to a triple-quad mass spectrometer for advanced...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS System. Agilent Technologies. The system is equipped with a robotic sample...
TU Wien
The GC-MS/MS system (Thermo Scientific, TSQ 9000) combines a gas chromatograph with a triple quadrupole...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Series 7200B GC-QTOFMS. Agilent Technologies. The system is equipped with a robotic sample preparation device...
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
The Shimadzu single quadrupole GCMS-QP2020 NX gas chromatograph / mass spectrometer (GCMS) combined with the...
Aerospace & Advanced Composits GmbH
The test facility consists of an input engine which is used for movement (constant speed,...
University of Salzburg
CF genomics comprises a combination of devices for performing genome-wide expression, genome and methyloma analyses;...
TU Wien
2 Petabyte Disk
TU Wien
This Server infrastructure serves for connecting the EODC disk storage to the tape libraries, the...
University of Salzburg
Since this is a very wide range of applications, the individual devices are combined into...
University of Salzburg
Servers and services as basis for online architectures for geo-data and information processing, with licensed...
Natural History Museum Vienna
With more than 5.7 million specimens the collection of the Geological-Paleontological Department is an archive...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility includes environmental measuring stations with remote transmission for continuous observation; Temperature data...
University of Salzburg
A precise molecular understanding of the heterogeneity of tissues of higher organisms is critical to...
University of Salzburg
Mala ground penetrating radar consisting of: control and receiver unit, ground carriage, various shielded and...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
LED-based maskless lithography system
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Gesäuse Nationalpark was founded in 2002 and is located in Styria, in the Center...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
GLORIA Target region The site lies in the alpine zone of Hochschwab in the NE-Alps....
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The 3497m-peak Mount Schrankogel belongs to the highest mountains of the Austrian Alps. Its northern...
TU Wien
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) signal generator for the simulation of multi-frequency GPS and Galileo...
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
GOM ATOS is a high-resolution optical digitiser (opitcal 3D scanner). Based on fringe projection, the...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The mountainous Gossenköllesee is located in the Stubaier Alps at an elevation of 2,417 m....
Medical University of Vienna
The GridIon is ideal for fast and flexible real-time, long-read, high-fidelity DNA and RNA sequencing...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Guava®easyCyte™12HT Cytek Flow cytometer analysis device for cell characterization using scattered light and fluorescence analysis....
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Extrusion-rheometer - "The HAAKE PolyLab OS (Open System), is a modern digitalized measuring system with...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Setup for the determination of the Hall-effect at different temperatures (10 -350 K), ac- and...
TU Wien
Setup to determine carrier concentration in semiconductors
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
LKR provides laboratory infrastructure for adjusting strength parameters of alloys, optimizing heat treatments and achieving...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
This Laser lithography system is a highly versatile, high-resolution pattern generator for direct writing and...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The Helios G4 is a combined electron / focused ion beam microscope for topography and...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The collection of the WHB Herbarium comprises approximately 76,000 specimens (as of March 2020) of...
University of Salzburg
The herbarium SZU is a curated natural history collection hosting ca. 130.000 vouchers of vascular...
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
HeuristicLab is an open-source software system, where optimization and data analysis questions can be processed...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
HF vapor etch system is used to remove sacrificial silicon oxide layers, primarily to release...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
The laboratory unit "construction materials" is an overall system consisting of various components addressing the...
ACR – Austrian Cooperative Research
SEM for high vacuum, low vacuum and ESEM-Mode max. stage movement 110 x 110 mm,...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
To determine the level of high- and highest frequency signals, there are power meters with...
University of Salzburg
High-performance cluster-based, Unix-based, MPI. The high-performance computer is essentially used for extremely extensive numerical (CPU-intensive)...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
computer cluster with more than 1,400 processors for the numerical calculation and modelling of materials...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
This system consists of the Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4) for automatic band and...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
industrial 10 kW direct diode laser system for cladding, alloying and hardening mounted on a...
University of Vienna
This laser delivers pulses with a duration of 60 fs, at a repetition rate of...
University of Innsbruck
The TA-SHG pro system comprises a tunable diode laser, a high power semiconductor (TA) and...