Laboratory for Gait and Human Movements, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising
Orthopaedic Hospital Speising
The laboratory for gait and movement analysis carries out studies in the field of orthopaedics,...
Orthopaedic Hospital Speising
The laboratory for gait and movement analysis carries out studies in the field of orthopaedics,...
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
State of the art true confocal system, equipped with 4 lasers (Diode, Argon, DPSS, Helium/Neon)...
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
State of the art patch-clamp set-up composed of an EPC 10 USB amplifier (HEKA, Germany),...
InfraRed Bruker Tensor 37 Possible Measurements: Liquid samples Solid samples Specifications: Spectral Range: 7500 to...
Prospective Instruments LK OG
Prospective Instruments, an young manufacturer for innovative multiphoton microscopes, runs an Advanced Imaging Facility in...
Prospective Instruments LK OG
mesoSPIM (mesoscale selective plane illumination microscopy) is used for: - to screen large numbers of...
Prospective Instruments LK OG
Multiphoton microscope with integrated laser (fixed wavelength at 920nm and/or 1040nm or alternatively tunable wavelength...
RCPE - Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH
The pilot plant of the RCPE enables research and optimization of manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
Fully Automated Stand-Alone FTIR Microscope Features: (*) Stand-alone FTIR microscope with full automation (*) Highly...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
LUS (also LUT - Laser-Ultrasound-Testing) is a high-resolution Ultrasound-Testing technique, where very high frequency broad-band...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
Available Equipment: (*) RECENDT-standard OCT-setup (800 nm) (*) various light-sources (supercontinuum sources, femtosecond laser, superluminescent...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
Available Equipment: (*) Photo-Acoustic Tomograph / Projectograph for acquisition of cross-section images (*) Photo-Acoustic Microscopy...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
Available Equipment: (*) Bruker Vertex 70 Lab-Spectrometer (*) various lightsources for NIR and MIR spectroscopy...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
Available Equipment: (*) various THz-sources and detectors (*) femtosecond (fs) - lasers and antennas for...
Research Studios Austria
Research Studio Data Science (DSc) is an R&D initiative for innovation and applied research that...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
5G-Testbed for industrial equipment via wireless connections.
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Clean room class 5 (EN ISO 14644-1), 300 m² - Micro and nano fabrication: M(O)EMS,...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
SAL is the first institution worldwide offering completely new capabilities in high resolution printing to...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Bond alignment system for universal alignment with proprietary method for micron-level face-to-face wafer alignment.
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The SmartView NT automated bond alignment system for universal alignment offers a proprietary method for...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
This Laser lithography system is a highly versatile, high-resolution pattern generator for direct writing and...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The Helios G4 is a combined electron / focused ion beam microscope for topography and...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The M8199A arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides a high-performance signal source for arbitrary signals, enabling...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The Infiniium UXR-Series oscilloscopes deliver world-leading performance, ultra-low noise, and high signal fidelity for engineers...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Bosch dry etching Tool. 8“ wafers etch with ESC clamping. 6“ and 4” wafers with...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Multiple purpose versatile etching tool for WBG materials and metal etching.
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Oxford Instruments' PlasmaPro®100 PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition) is a versatile instrument that can...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The PANalytical X’Pert Pro is a multipurpose x-ray diffractometer equipped with a Cu Kα source....
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Magnetron sputtering clustertool for various thin film single and multilayers on 200 mm wafers.
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Thin-film deposition tool with manual loading of single wafers up to 200mm.
St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute
The „Zebrafish platform Austria for precliNical DRug screening“ (ZANDR), situated at St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung /...
Test Region Digitrans - DigiTrans GmbH
Proving ground for autonomous driving in St. Valentin Lower Austria The Digitrans proving ground for...
Test Region Digitrans - DigiTrans GmbH
Digitrans provides know-how and test infrastructure and accompanies the testing, validation, research and implementation of...
Time Machine
One of the main pillars of Time Machine’s agenda and vision of the Big Data...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
The climate chamber allows reproducible climate and temperature tests. In combination with the electrodynamic shaker,...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
Drive Testing Device This device consists of a frequency-controlled drive motor and frequency remote brake...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
With the electrodynamic shaker schocks and vibrations, which occur during operation or transportation of a...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
The hydraulic shaker has different servohydraulically test cylinders and matching oscillating filters. This shaker can...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
The Hydropuls Testing field offers because of its modular design the ability to create rapid...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
Multiaxis Simulation Table The multi-axial shaker table (MAST) is mounted on 6 hydropuls cylinders. On...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
System for comprehensive testing of control elements, including combination with climatic chamber together with the...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
Measuring of forces, accelerations and strain gauge signals during testing. Sizes measurables: - expansion with...
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
The 4 - Poster is an art to state trailer and vehicle simulator. It consists...
Treibacher Industrie AG
The Automated Gamma Spectrometer from Baltic Scientific Instruments is intended for the detection and analysis...
Treibacher Industrie AG
The 2nd generation of the Agilent 8900 ICP-QQQ enables accurate, interference-free analysis of trace elements....
Treibacher Industrie AG
Treibacher Industrie AG offers a truly comprehensive approach to thermal spray materials and coatings development....
TU Wien
The unique MALDI FT-ICR device with Paracell allows the application of latest technological developments in...
TU Wien
We would like to be able to perform quantum information measurements in crystals made from...
TU Wien
As part of the Ö-Cloud environment, an institutionalised national network for infrastructure for the coordination,...
TU Wien
Autonomous Racing Cars is a side-project within a CPS/IoT Ecosystem that stems from the F1-Tenth...
TU Wien
Bioreactorsystem with 4 2L vessels equipped with process management system, offgas analysis and 4 pumps.
TU Wien
The BioAFM is the Nanowizard 4XP atomic force microscope from Bruker. It is adapted for...
TU Wien
BioSorter® (Union Biometrica) is a large-particle flow cytometer enabling sorting and analysis of objects ranging...
TU Wien
The Bose ElectroForce 3200 Series II test instruments are intended for indoor laboratory use only....
TU Wien
Extension of the frequency comb into the near infrared range and feedback electronics to stabilize...
TU Wien
Expansion and extension of the tape libraries in the Arsenal and in the Gußhaus, including...
TU Wien
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (Leica Stellaris 5 - Lightning) - Inverted research microscope DMi8 CS...
TU Wien
CPS/IoT Cloud Server is a general purpose large-scale computing platform for hosting cloud applications, high-performance...
TU Wien
IoT Labor is a research and education facility envisioned as a sand-boxing environment for experimentation...
TU Wien
DAMAP is an open-source software tool that can be implemented at research institutions to facilitate...
TU Wien
The Data Visualization Space of the TU Wien Bibliothek provides infrastructure for experimenting with and...
TU Wien
LASERTEC SLM for generative manufacturing in the powder bed process. Generative manufacturing processes or additive...
TU Wien
Climatic test chamber with 2 chambers for climate and environmental simulation and differential climate stress....
TU Wien
The ion source allows creation, trapping and extraction of ions in high charge states. Highest...
TU Wien
Computational resources distributed at the edge of the network are the fundamental infrastructural component of...
TU Wien
Within the framework of the European Copernicus programme, a series of Sentinel satellites have been...
TU Wien
This 2 Petabyte disk serves as an extension of the storage component of the core...
TU Wien
This storage serves as an extension of the storage component of the core facility "EODC...
TU Wien
EOS P 396 is a system for additive manufacturing from polymer materials (PA). Additive manufacturing...
TU Wien
Fabrikation Labor (FabLab) is a research and prototyping facility envisioned as a fast-rapid prototyping environment...
TU Wien
This multi Petabyte disk serves as an extension of the storage component of the core...
TU Wien
scanning electron microscopes field emission gun (Zeiss Sigma VP 500)
TU Wien
The fluorescence spectrometer is used for the detection and analysis of fluorescence probes. This instrument...
TU Wien
The FT-I04 Femto-Indenter is a high-resolution nanomechanical testing system capable of accurately quantifying the mechanical...
TU Wien
The GC-MS/MS system (Thermo Scientific, TSQ 9000) combines a gas chromatograph with a triple quadrupole...
TU Wien
2 Petabyte Disk
TU Wien
This Server infrastructure serves for connecting the EODC disk storage to the tape libraries, the...
TU Wien
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) signal generator for the simulation of multi-frequency GPS and Galileo...
TU Wien
Setup to determine carrier concentration in semiconductors
TU Wien
Optical system for the high-speed measurement of time-resolved, three-dimensional velocity fields in turbulent channel flows....
TU Wien
An indenter tip of a known geometry is driven into the sample by applying an...
TU Wien
Two regenerator laser stations (RLS) receive a metrological reference signal at 1542 nm from the...
TU Wien
terrestrial laserscanner Riegl VZ400i (2022); maximum scan distance 800m; high speed data aquisition up to...
TU Wien
The Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 is a laser tracker system for measurement tasks with high...
TU Wien
Lithograhically additiv manufacturing system, Lithoz GmbH Building envelope 200 x 100 x 250 mm Layer...
TU Wien
Narrow-band diode laser, feedback-stabilized to high precision optical cavity.
TU Wien
The powder diffractometer in vertical theta/theta geometry is mainly used for microdiffraction applications with beam...
TU Wien
The test system is designed to perform tensile, compression and flexure tests on building materials....
TU Wien
Micropositioning systems which consist of several single positioning units with servomotors and pieo actuators
TU Wien
Lattice Light Sheet 7 is a unique confocal microscope optimized for high-resolution, high-speed imaging of...
TU Wien
Microtester G2 device by CellScale is used for performing compression tests on objects from 50...
TU Wien
The MTS 858 MiniBionix is a hydraulic axial and torsional testing system that is able...
TU Wien
400 MHz NMR spectrometer; 9.4 T superconducting magnet, probehead 'iProbe BBFO'; sample temperature control (-0...
TU Wien
The instrument in vertical theta/theta geometry is mainly used for crystallographic phase analysis of crystalline...
TU Wien
Vector network analyzer (VNA) for measurement of S-parameters, 70 GHz in 4-port configuration with second...
TU Wien
The multiplexers/frequency combs are used to transfer an optical reference signal at 1542 nanometers wavelength,...
TU Wien
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is a method of surface analysis that makes use of the...
TU Wien
The photoemission spectrometer consists of an analysis chamber, preparation chamber and sample manipulators. A hemispherical...
TU Wien
System for physical simulations of thermomechanical processes on metals
TU Wien
The Quadrocopter is meant to fly over larger areas within the category "open" and "specific"...