JKU-ICP Institute of Polymer Chemistry
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Institute of Polymer Chemistry (ICP), which has been newly established in 2007 and is...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Institute of Polymer Chemistry (ICP), which has been newly established in 2007 and is...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Institute of Polymer Processing and Digital Transformation (IPPD) focuses on research in process-, product-...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
Kalkalpen National Park is made up of two mountain ranges: * The Reichraminger Hintergebirge is...
University of Salzburg
The device allows measurement and manipulation of hand movements with temporal precision in the millisecond...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The TSE MotoRater represents a novel set-up for standardized quantitative and objective kinematic evaluation of...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
It is an instrument in the field of basic infrastructure (biophysics, molecular biology and cell...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
High-performance fluorescence microscope for the optical quantification of intracellular processes and reactions in plants and...
University of Salzburg
The device consists of: 8-channel pipetting unit; Coil with 26,000 pipettes; Pipette loading unit; Calibration...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Sprinter panel van all-wheel drive with awning with continuous waterproof floor. Special design: Office equipment...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Confocal Raman-Microscope (excitation wavelengths: 785nm, 633nm, 532nm)
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Experimental sciences require a large amount of organizational background work for smooth operation. For example,...
The laboratory for Polymer- und Migrationsanalytik provides expertise in analytical method development with a focus...
Orthopaedic Hospital Speising
The laboratory for gait and movement analysis carries out studies in the field of orthopaedics,...
Natural History Museum Vienna
Besides a large laboratory room for all standard procedures around DNA analysis, the Laboratory of...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
variety of laboratory infrastructure for the analysis of petrochemical samples; ISO 9001:2015 certified
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The unit provides high throughput biomonitoring with an assembly of an automatic incubator (Cytomat 2C)...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
steam autoclave for inactivation of biological waste
Graz University of Technology
Laser Interferometer (Renishaw)
TU Wien
Two regenerator laser stations (RLS) receive a metrological reference signal at 1542 nm from the...
University of Applied Arts Vienna
High-precision terrestrial laser scanner that is suitable for scanning building facades, complex structures and large-volume...
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
The commercial, versatile two-photon lithography system system allows the 3D Structuring of many different polymer...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The scanning laser vibrometer or scanning laser Doppler vibrometer is an instrument for rapid non-contact...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
LUS (also LUT - Laser-Ultrasound-Testing) is a high-resolution Ultrasound-Testing technique, where very high frequency broad-band...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Several laser sources to be used for optical excitation within a fluorescence microscope. Thereby, the...
TU Wien
terrestrial laserscanner Riegl VZ400i (2022); maximum scan distance 800m; high speed data aquisition up to...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Lathe Weiler DA 260 The universal lathe Weiler DA 260 is mainly used for the...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
This system couples a Vanquish™ UHPLC System with the IQ-X Orbitrap via an Auto-Ready ion...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Series 6560 LC-IMS-QTOFMS. Agilent Technologies. This is a new generation ion mobility-mass spectrometry system. In...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Series 6230 LC TOF MS. Agilent Technologies. Obtained 2015. This system provides a mass accuracy...
TU Wien
The Leica Absolute Tracker AT960 is a laser tracker system for measurement tasks with high...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Leica Bond Rx is an automated immunostainer which can be used for research purposes...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Leica EM Cryo CLEM set for widefield light microscopy for analysis of cryo samples in...
University of Graz
Confocal laser scanning, 2-photon, second harmonic generation (SHG), coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscope
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
STELLARIS 5 Manufacturer: Leica Ausstattung: 96 well plate insert Power HyD S 2 Channel Scanner...
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Inverted confocal laser scanning microscope for stimulated emission depletion (STED), high resolution and fluorescence lifetime...
Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg
State of the art true confocal system, equipped with 4 lasers (Diode, Argon, DPSS, Helium/Neon)...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Ausstattung: Halterahmen KM Multiwellplatten CLICK-IN P "35" Petri dishes CLICK-IN P all Chambered systems HC...
University of Vienna
Expansion of the storage capacity of the meteorology cluster
University of Salzburg
Leopold Kohr (1909-1994) was a philosopher, political scientist, lawyer and economist born in Oberndorf near...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The libraries of the Natural History Museum Vienna are based on the 18th century Habsburg...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department Archive for the History of Science of the Natural History...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Anthropology of the Natural History Museum Vienna currently comprises...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Botany of the Natural History Museum Vienna currently comprises...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Education of the Natural History Museum...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Geology and Paleontology of the Natural History Museum Vienna...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography of the Natural History Museum Vienna...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Department of Prehistory of the Natural History Museum Vienna currently comprises...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Karst and Caves Working Group of the Natural History Museum Vienna...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The library of the Pathologic-Anatomic Collections of the Natural History Museum Vienna currently comprises around...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Chamber Climate Control (Humidity – CO2 and O2 control. Sample chambers: i) water / live;...
Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH
Mechatronics – an intelligent fusion of informatics, mechanics and electronics – is our forte. The...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
analytical instrument for the chemical analysis of the physical separation of complex liquid samples extended...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
laboratory device consisting of liquid chromatography and AP-MALDI with coupling to an LTQ Orbitrap XL...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The LIT Factory at the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) located at the Johannes Kepler...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The master mold is used to accommodate various mold inserts for the production of continuous...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The LIT Open Innovation Center (OIC) is a research and development center focused on collaboration...
University of Salzburg
The Literature Archive Salzburg is a research center of the University, Province and City of...
TU Wien
Lithograhically additiv manufacturing system, Lithoz GmbH Building envelope 200 x 100 x 250 mm Layer...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
System for optical lithography of structures with sizes doen to 500 nm
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Ultralight, portable amplifier for measuring EEG (electroencephalogram). LiveAmp System 32 channels, complete system. Active electrodes...
Time Machine
One of the main pillars of Time Machine’s agenda and vision of the Big Data...
TU Wien
Narrow-band diode laser, feedback-stabilized to high precision optical cavity.
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Audio: 91 individually driven loudspeakers; four additional subwoofer channels; 96 audio channels in total. Geometry:...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
The Kurtz AK92 low-pressure casting plant (ND) is a fully automated, semi-industrial experimental facility for...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope with magnetic field and microwave excitation
Medical University of Vienna
The LSM 700 is an inverted point laser scanning microscope. It is equipped with 4...
Medical University of Vienna
Das LSM 780 (780) is an inverted point laser scanning confcal microscope. It is equipped...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
Landslides (translational and rotational slides, debris flows, rock avalanches, rock falls, etc.) rank among the...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Zöbelboden was established in 1992 as the only Integrated Monitoring station in Austria under...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Austrian Society for Long-Term Ecological Research - LTER-Austria - was founded in 2002. Since...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The LTSER platform Eisenwurzen represents both a natural space and a historically developed social and...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
Institutional Structure: The LTSER Neusiedler See Seewinkel is located at the "Biological Station Lake Neusiedl"...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The LTSER platform ‘Tyrolean Alps’ was formally installed only in 2010. However, ecological – and...
University of Salzburg
Since 1972, the renowned musicologist Prof. Dr. Jürg Stenzl has continuously built up a research...
University of Salzburg
The research infrastructure can be divided into two areas. 1. Luminescence measurement laboratory for measuring...
University of Salzburg
Modular designed measurement unit Lexsyg Research produced by Freiberg Instruments Components • EMCCD unit based...
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
The FTIR-microscope LUMOS II enables molecule-specific analyses of organic and inorganic samples. A high spatial...
University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems)
The Digital Holographic Microscope (DHM, http://www.lynceetec.com/reflection-dhm/) allows dynamic 3D characterization of microsystems. The two main...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The AGES-Lysimeter station was built in autumn 1995 to study the long-term effects of agricultural...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
The M8199A arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) provides a high-performance signal source for arbitrary signals, enabling...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Cryostat with vector magnet for measurements at 4 K and magnetic fields up to 9...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Big SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessor) System with 2016 CPU cores and 15¾ TB of RAM. Use...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The Main Zoological Library of the Natural History Museum Vienna currently comprises around 7,000 items...
MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts
The MAK is an internationally renowned competence center for the applied arts, contemporary art, design,...
MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts
The MAK’s digital collection database has been made available to the public for both private...
University of Salzburg
The device consists of: Ion source for matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization (MALDI), including pulsed...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
These devices are used for the investigation and structure elucidation of both natural and synthetic...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) is coupled with a time-of-flight detector, offering a robust system...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
The EVG 610 is a semi-automated system that can handle small substrate pieces and wafers...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser-desoprtion-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometer) is used for peptide and polymer analytics. The...
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
MALDI-TOF MS technology, which is based on the analysis of the entire bacterial proteome in...
University of Salzburg
The "AGILENT 7900 ICP-MS" device is a quadrupole mass spectrometer for elemental analysis of aqueous,...
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
The Sciex QTRAP 6500+ is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer including a linear ion trap....
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The timsTOF Pro (Bruker) is a time-of -flight instrument coupled to a dual Trapped Ion...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher) includes 3 mass analyzers, i.e. a quadrupole mass...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The Mass Spectrometry Facility operates 4 OrbiTrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher), which are used...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The Q-Exactive (Thermo Fisher Scientific) is a high-resolution instrument, mainly used for metabolite profiling and...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The TSQ Quantiva (Thermo Fisher Scientific) is a state-of-the-art triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, optimal for...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/TSQ02-10002#/TSQ02-10002
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
This mass spectrometer is used for the characterization of intact proteins. The Q-TOF Synapt G2...