1. Zoologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Natural History Museum Vienna
The 'First Zoological Department (Vertebrates)', owing to its scientific collections – the Mammal, the Bird,...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The 'First Zoological Department (Vertebrates)', owing to its scientific collections – the Mammal, the Bird,...
Natural History Museum Vienna
Entomology deals with the study of insects. The Natural History Museum Vienna houses one of...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The 3. Zoological Department encompasses the invertebrate collections with the exception of insects in the...
ABOL (Austrian Barcode of Life) Coordination
ABOL is a network of experts and institutions which aims to record the genetic diversity...
accent Inkubator GmbH
The accent makerspace for green transformation was established by accent, the business incubator of the...
University of Salzburg
The focus of this core facility is on various light and electron microscopy methods, i.a....
Prospective Instruments LK OG
Prospective Instruments, an young manufacturer for innovative multiphoton microscopes, runs an Advanced Imaging Facility in...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Optical microscopy has historically played an important role in life-science discovery. Advances in imaging technology...
The aiMotion Lab allows collaborative and interdisciplinary research in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The Archive for the History of Science is divided into five collections according to its...
AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive
AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive is a certified, national research infrastructure for...
University of Innsbruck
The Austrian Core Facility for Scientific Core Analysis provides state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure for logging and...
Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing
ÖPIA is the Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing. The platform was founded in 2009 by...
AVL List GmbH
The new production development center for batteries is an AVL competence center, which provides the...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Specially equipped facilities for the synthesis, analysis and validation of material in small-sized cells open...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
AIT is a frontrunner in the field of battery storage systems, with key competences ranging...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
AIT researchers at the Battery Test Laboratory are specialists in both performance validation and safety...
BBMRI-ERIC - Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure
BBMRI-ERIC is a European research infrastructure for biobanking. We bring together all the main players...
BBMRI.at - Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure Austria
BBMRI.at supports biomedical research and facilitates access to human and animal samples and collaborations. To...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The aim of the research platform bimm is the isolation and characterization of bioactive substances...
University of Salzburg
Summary of various devices and systems of the Core Facility Bioanalytics: various chromatographic and electropreretic...
BioImaging Austria - CMI (Correlated Multimodal Imaging Node Austria)
CMI is the official Austrian Euro-Bioimaging initiative of leading imaging experts in Austria. It was...
University of Salzburg
The server infrastructure comprises 16 high-performance computers with multi-core processors (up to 3 GHz): 8...
University of Salzburg
Standard Laboratories for cell culture experiments plus hardware and software for Finite Element simulations (Abaqus)...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Are you interested in exploring the „small world”? You can visit now the bioimaging core...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
In addition to the industrial-scale casting plants, the LKR Casting Lab also includes furnaces, equipment...
University of Salzburg
'The Center for Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Salzburg facilitates studying the interactions between...
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
The specific research equipment and facilities available for materials science research on artworks are also...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The Central Research Laboratories at the Natural History Museum Vienna comprise the Research Laboratory of...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The unit with focus on biomedical research was established to provide access to highly competitive...
University of Salzburg
The core facility chemical & structural biology comprises the equipment for the preparation, purification, structural...
University of Salzburg
The equipment pool of the core facility includes a device to measure brain activity and...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility serves the controlled culture of biomodels and organisms for biomedical and ecological...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The BOKU Core Facility Analysis of Lignocellulosics (ALICE) offers method development and state-of-the-art chromatographic, spectroscopic...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Core Facility Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis (BMoSA) provides high throughput microbiology screening resources...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Core Facility Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis (BMoSA) provides high throughput microbiology screening resources...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The BioIndustrial Pilotplant at BOKU was engineered according to GMP guidelines and comprises a modular...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Core Facility Bioinformatics is a service-oriented core facility and offers infrastructre, consultancy, education and...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Core Facility Biomedical Research Unit provides researchers and scientific working groups with the opportunity...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Core Facility Biomolecular & Cellular Analysis (BmCA) offers state-of-the-art instruments and techniques for characterization...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Core Facility Cytometry offers a wide range of highly specialized services in the field...
Medical University of Vienna
Ultra-High-Speed Sorting & High-End Analysis of biological material Flow cytometry has become an essential and...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The Core Facility Food & Bio Processing (CF FBP) offers research and development services as...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Core Facility Histology operates all necessary equipment for the traditional preparation of histological samples...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Allocation and maintenance of scientific light microscopic and electron microscopic equipment. Advice on application and...
Medical University of Vienna
Global gene analysis The Medical University of Vienna Core Facility Genomics operates as a full-service...
Medical University of Vienna
The Core Facility Imaging is located in the Anna Spiegel Building – Center of Translational...
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
The BOKU Core Facility Mass Spectrometry (CFMS) provides high-end separation science and mass spectrometry for...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Core Facility for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Molecular Biology offers a broad spectrum of...
Medical University of Vienna
Protein Analysis Services and quantitative Method Development The mission of the Proteomics Core Facility at...
Graz University of Technology
D-Cube is a full-fledged distributed benchmarking facility that provides a consistent way to evaluate the...
University of Salzburg
The server infrastructure includes a network of 18 powerful server systems of the company Supermicro...
Natural History Museum Vienna
Mission Statement It is our aim to foster, stimulate, and carry out research and compile...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The collections of the Botany Department at NHM Vienna are among the most important worldwide....
Natural History Museum Vienna
The Department of Prehistory houses over 1,3 million individual objects (more than 160,000 inventory complexes)...
University of Salzburg
The core facility "diffraction" includes a Bruker D8 powder diffractometer (Cu-K (alpha) radiation) as well...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
The AIT Drive Laboratory offers long standing expertise and excellent research and validation infrastructure to...
University of Salzburg
The core facility for electron microscopy is equipped with a Zeiss Ultra Plus Field Emission-Scanning...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Whether you are interested in learning how to do electron microscopy (EM) yourself or prefer...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Cryo Electron Microscopes - 300kV Cryo-TEM Titan Krios G3i – Single Particle Analysis and Cryo-Electron...
The ELMINet (Electron Microscopy Network) Graz is a joint initiative of the three universities to...
University of Salzburg
Research activities are guided by a mind set. Our evidence is that most programs and...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Experienced experts of our team are active in both Austrian and international standards boards, forming...
TU Wien
Within the framework of the European Copernicus programme, a series of Sentinel satellites have been...
Exposome Austria - The National Node of EIRENE Research Infrastructure
Exposome Austria is the ESFRI-Research Infrastructure dedicated to the advancement of exposomic research and technology...
University of Salzburg
In this facility investigations of athletic movement in the field are carried out. These include,...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility Flow Cytometry comprises the instrumentation for the investigation of immunological mechanisms at...
University of Salzburg
Forensic biomechanics includes equipment for motion analysis, force and velocity determination. The mobile multi-component force...
University of Salzburg
Judicial and police services, research in forensic morphology Determination of Cause of death Determining the...
University of Salzburg
Devices for isolating DNA from biological trace material, high-end PCR devices and capillary electrophoreses as...
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
The Forming Technology Laboratory provides state-of-the-art infrastructure for experimental development, alloy optimization, as well as...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility "Functional Materials" covers the area of synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, particle...
University of Salzburg
CF genomics comprises a combination of devices for performing genome-wide expression, genome and methyloma analyses;...
University of Salzburg
Since this is a very wide range of applications, the individual devices are combined into...
University of Salzburg
Servers and services as basis for online architectures for geo-data and information processing, with licensed...
Natural History Museum Vienna
With more than 5.7 million specimens the collection of the Geological-Paleontological Department is an archive...
University of Salzburg
The Core Facility includes environmental measuring stations with remote transmission for continuous observation; Temperature data...
University of Salzburg
Mala ground penetrating radar consisting of: control and receiver unit, ground carriage, various shielded and...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Research on and design, experimental buildup/proof and electrical characterization of systems as well as discrete...
LEC GmbH - Large Engines Competence Center
High-Power System test bed can be operated both as a multi-cylinder engine (MCE) and as...
LEC GmbH - Large Engines Competence Center
SCE test bench for testing a wide range of engine configurations for conventional and future...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Histology, the science of studying microscopic structure of the cells, tissues, and organs, provides crucial...
Graz University of Technology
The infrastructure comprises technologies to develop and study remote work, collaboration and teleoperation in general...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
The Bioimaging Facility team supports cell biologists by providing a number of state-of-the-art microscopes and...
LEC GmbH - Large Engines Competence Center
Laboratory for fundamental investigations on injection, ignition and combustion phenomena, consisting of: a rapid compression...
University of Innsbruck
Innsbruck Box (or i-Box for short) is a test bed for studying boundary layer processes...
Graz University of Technology
CyVerse Austria provides life scientists with powerful computational infrastructure to handle huge datasets and complex...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Institute of Polymer Chemistry (ICP), which has been newly established in 2007 and is...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The Institute of Polymer Processing and Digital Transformation (IPPD) focuses on research in process-, product-...
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Experimental sciences require a large amount of organizational background work for smooth operation. For example,...
The laboratory for Polymer- und Migrationsanalytik provides expertise in analytical method development with a focus...
RECENDT - Research Center for Non-Destructive Testing GmbH
LUS (also LUT - Laser-Ultrasound-Testing) is a high-resolution Ultrasound-Testing technique, where very high frequency broad-band...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The libraries of the Natural History Museum Vienna are based on the 18th century Habsburg...
Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH
Mechatronics – an intelligent fusion of informatics, mechanics and electronics – is our forte. The...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The LIT Factory at the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) located at the Johannes Kepler...
University of Salzburg
The Literature Archive Salzburg is a research center of the University, Province and City of...
LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
The Austrian Society for Long-Term Ecological Research - LTER-Austria - was founded in 2002. Since...
University of Salzburg
The research infrastructure can be divided into two areas. 1. Luminescence measurement laboratory for measuring...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
The Mass Spectrometry Facility is focused on the identification and characterization of proteins and peptides....
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Modern high-performance materials are opening up new, increasingly demanding fields of application. This requires a...